Rainforest Information Centre














Heartfelt thanks to www.apeuk.org/ for granting us 4000 pounds for the Climate Change, Despair & Empowerment roadshow from the sales of their Rhythms del Mundo CD


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Animal Rights
Children's Sites
Deep Ecology/Environmental Education
Globalisation & Corporations
Indigenous Rights
Peace and Social Justice
Rainforest Research & Botanical


Animal Rights

Animal Liberation NSW (Australia)

Animal Matters- Animal Liberation Through Education

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

Badger Killers Coalition of Badger Action Groups take direct action against DEFRA’s badger slaughter program. "We ‘monitor’ the killing areas and individuals take action to save badgers’ lives.

Oceania caring for whales, dolphins and the ocean

Deep Ecology, Environmental Education Etc.

The Rex Foundation. The Grateful Dead performed more benefits than anyone. In the fall of 1983, the Rex Foundation was established as a non-profit charitable organization by members of the Grateful Dead and friends. The Rex Foundation enabled the Grateful Dead to go beyond responding to multiple requests for contributions, and proactively provide extensive community support to creative endeavors in the arts, sciences, and education.

PaGaian Cosmology Website Celebrating Cosmogenesis
– the Triple Spiral
– each particular beautiful Self, new in every moment
– deep relationship and communion with Other, the web of life
– direct participation in the sentience of the Creative Cosmos, the Well of Creativity

The NorthWest Earth Institute Motivating individuals to examine and transform personal values and habits, to accept responsibility for the Earth, and to act on that commitment.

NWEI's hallmark program is a series of discussion courses, developed in Portland, but available to groups anywhere in the United States:


The Center for Ecoliteracy fosters the experience and understanding of the natural world.

Deep Ecology for the 21st Century is a 13-week radio series of one-hour programs that explores contemporary ecological consciousness and the Deep Ecology movement, and offers fascinating, provocative and sometimes controversial solutions to the environmental challenges that are now upon us. Guests include Arne Naess, Gary Snyder, David Suzuki, Joanna Macy, Julia "Butterfly" Hill, Paul Ehrlich, Jerry Mander, Edward O. Wilson, Helena Norberg-Hodge, Theodore Roszak, Edward Abbey, and Fritjof Capra.

Ecopsychology Index

Environmental Advocacy - Events, resources and links to enhance environmental advocacy

Freya Mathews site - eco-feminism articles

The Institute for Deep Ecology promotes ecological values and actions through experiences that transform old ways of thinking, honor spirit, and support bold actions

Ishmael A site for readers of Daniel Quinn, whose startling books have had a profound impact on millions of people

Mass Extinction Site - 100 great link

Nature Inspired Workshops

Powers of 10, View the Milky Way at 10 million light years from the Earth. Then move through space towards the Earth in successive orders of magnitude until you reach a tall oak tree just outside the buildings of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Florida. After that, begin to move from the actual size of a leaf into a microscopic world that reveals leaf cell walls, the cell nucleus, chromatin, DNA and finally, into the subatomic universe of electrons and protons

Project NatureConnect - Online Ecopsychology degree programs, courses, guidebooks

Restoring the Ecological Self is an outdoor based, experiential course grounded in the 'ecosophy' of Deep Ecology.

Gesellschaft für angewandte Tiefenökologie (Society for Applied Deep Ecology) has a German language web site at www.deepecology.de  and www.tiefenoekologie.de

Social Criticism Review - Selected readings on modern society and its ills. Focus on alienation between man, nature, and a dysfunctional scientific-technical complex.

The Vegan Poet - Metamorphosis - Poems to Inspire Transformation a book by M. Butterflies Katz


The Arunachala Kadu Siva Plantation is one of the projects regenerating the sacred mountain Arunachala that the Rainforest Information Centre is supporting. It is directed by Apeetha Arunagiri who first initiated the regeneration of Arunachala 20 years ago. See also http://www.ser.org/iprn/iprnproject.asp and hotkey.net.au/~apeetha

Bid & earn: nonprofit environmental project that donates 90% of its affiliate provision to the "Save an Acre" organization

Byron Environment Centre providing up to date news and information on environmental issues and background information on climate change and sustainable living, with particular reference to the NSW North Coast.

Deep Jungle: 50 fun ways children can help the environment

EcoEarth.Info, -- a one of a kind Environment Portal - with genuine Internet search, cutting biocentric commentary & constant news and link tracking - all dedicated to achieving global environmental sustainability

Endangered Species Chocolate Co.

Envirolink online environmental information source

Environmental Web Directory Planet Earth's biggest environmental directory

Extinction - Chapter and verse! Read it and weep.

Information for Action - an automated lobbying website describing global
environmental issues, a database of world leaders and organisation, a
database of chemicals, a quiz, music videos and MP3s

Friends of the Earth Sites:

* FoE International

* FoE Australia

* FoE Fitzroy (Australia)

Facing the Future

- People and the Planet - creative activities, lesson plans, collaborative projects plus a comprehensive guide to population issues, with an emphasis on the interconnectedness of problems, and just, sustainable solutions.

Global Response an international letter-writing network of environmental activists. * Special sections for kids, teens, teachers, adults... * Requests to write letters on issues like oil drilling in the arctic, Venezuela's Imataca Reserve, terminator technology. * Plenty of success stories plus tips on how to write effective  letters.   *Highly recommended*

Green Lane Website for Environment Canada, a science-based government department. "It's our goal to help make sustainable development a reality in Canada and, by doing so, make our country an example to the world."

GreenNet part of the only global computer network specifically designed for environment, peace, human rights and development groups.

Greenpeace International

Green People Directory directory of products and services provided by compassionate, ethical and environmentally minded people

Judi Bari Homepage

Mike Vandeman is working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat").

Planet Ark Homepage environmental news & software

Protect Our Environment Australian Action Alerts and links

Sacred Earth Network Involved with environmental work in the former Soviet Union. Takes an active interest in deep ecology.

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

Schumacher College An International Centre for Ecological Studies "Schumacher College is one of the few institutions that offers education for the 21st century" - Hazel Henderson

The Sloth Club, Japan - Becoming the sloth is not be lazy. We are promoting slow down (eco culture + slow business) movement.

World Campaign - focuses on the interconnectivity of issues concerning the environment, population, hunger, war, human rights, economic opportunity and personal growth


Alaska Rainforest Campaign (ARC)  protecting the Tongass and Chugach National Forests from clearcutting and other harmful development.

Amazon Rainforest - Flora, Fauna, Indigenous Tribes, Saving the Amazon, Travel, History, Discovery..

Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research (ACEER) Foundation committed to rainforest conservation through education and research.

Australian Rainforest Conservation Society Inc. works on Queensland and Australia-wide forest issues

Bibliographic database on Tropical Forest Conservation and Development University of Minnesota Forestry Library

Big Scrub Rainforest Landcare Group - general ecology of rainforests and info about rainforest restoration

Coalition for Amazonian Peoples & Environment alliance between indigenous and traditional peoples of the Amazon and groups and individuals who share their concerns.

Daintree Rainforest Rescue Wet Tropics Rainforest, North Queensland. Still threatened.

Defenders of the RainForest An all-teen, non-profit group in Massachusetts dedicated to protecting rainforests.

Earth Culture

Ecoforestry based at RMIT University, highlights major web sites with information on ecoforestry relevant to Australians. Ecoforestry principles, policies and practices embody an ecosystem and community based approach to forest management.

Forest Archives Portal offers a vast selection of articles on forests worldwide, including a massive Forest Conservation Links collection. The site is dedicated to ending deforestation, preserving old-growth forests, conserving all forests, and commencing the age of forest restoration.

Greenpeace's Forest Campaign Site, saveordelete features campaign information, news updates relating to Greenpeace actions on this issue, and a full gallery of illustrations and photographs

Guiana Shield Media Project produces information for regional and international distribution about the Guiana Shield territory.

Hancock Watch - Hancock Timber Resources Group is currently logging what little remains of native vegetation in the Strzelecki Ranges, located 2 hours drive of Melbourne.

Heartwood Dedicated to the forest of the Central Hardwood region, USA

Ipassa-Mingouli Project Defending Gabon's forests

Mariri Magazine - A Voice of The Forest

mongabay.com a site providing information on tropical rain forests, includes photos of rainforest animals and habitats

Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park created in 1993 by the Congolese government and Wildlife Conservaton Society to conserve the forests of northern Congo

www.lockon.org  No bullshit Australian forest actions

Rainforest Action Network one of the most important rainforest activist organisations in the world.

Rainforest Alliance "so practical, it's radical"

Rainforest Explorer

Rainforest Live - educational information on rainforests

Rainforest Relief

Rainforest Rescue - Rainforest conservation projects in Australia. Help Protect the Daintree Rainforest.

Saverainforest.net  Click to save rainforests in Peru, Brazil and Ecuador

Sarawak Peoples Campaign Promoting social justice, survival of indigenous cultures and environmental protection of the forests.

SeedTree is an NGO making an international effort to protect and regenerate endangered forest ecosystems and biodiversity.

SWIFT Sustainable, community logging in the Solomon Is.

Taiga Rescue Network

Trees for the Future agroforestry self-help projects in developing countries providing buffers for forests by supplying firewood, helping to maintain the water table and increasing crop yields. 4,600 village projects in 63 countries, more than 27,000,000 trees.

Wild Northwest Photography protecting forests and biodiversity throughout the Western Hemisphere featuring an outstanding collection of nature and conservation photography in this extensive yet easy to use online catalog.

WOLF Forest Protection Movement Slovakia group working to preserve natural forests and their wildlife.

World Rainforest Movement Includes excellent news bulletins

WWF Amazon Website

World Future Forest Foundation - reforestation in Indonesia

Globalisation and Corporations

Bank Information Center: Provides input and strategic support to NGOs and social movements throughout the world on projects, policies, and practices of the World Bank and other Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs).

Corporate Watch

Direct Action Network: Dedicated to non-violent direct action against corporate globalization and all forms of oppression.

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting: A very good organization providing objective news which is being left out of the corporate media.

Globalizaction - a bulletin board for action alerts on social and economic rights abuse.

Global Arcade: Family fun center where you can play arcade games and learn about globalization and take action.

Global Exchange: An excelllent group based in the USA working for global economic, social, and environmental justice.

Grassroots Resistance Directory: A global directory of grassroots groups resisting capitalism and oppressive structures.

McSpotlight: Read about McDonald's wicked ways and about the extraordinary McLibel case

Mobilization for Global Justice: Excellent clearing house for info about  upcoming protests at the National Republican and Democratic Conventions in the USA, and the annual meeting of  the World Bank and IMF in Prague.

Religious Working Group on the World Bank and IMF: It is time to  cancel the crushing debt burden of the worlds most impoverished nations and end structural adjustment programs.

Student Alliance to Reform Corporations: Working to end the era in which corporate interests take precedence over social and environmental justice.

The Whirled Bank Group: A humorous (but very serious) source of info on the World Bank Group and IMF.

World Bank Bonds Boycott: An international campaign using grassroots economic power to demand an end to structural adjustment lending and other environmentally and socially destructive World Bank policies.

50 Years is Enough: US Network for Global Environmental Justice: A coalition of 205 grassroots, faith-based, policy, women's, social and economic-justice, youth, solidarity, labor, and development organizations dedicated to the profound transformation of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fun (IMF).

Indigenous Rights

aus political independence charter strategy

Friends of People Close to Nature

LifeMosaic provides indigenous peoples with accessible information about the impacts of large-scale developments as a way of strengthening communities right to freely decide whether or not they want these developments before these take place.

People Against Radiation In Aboriginal Homelands

Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV)

Survival International

http://www.yidaki.com.au - Didgeridoos - Aboriginal Art - Dreamtime Stories - Boomerangs - Paintings

http://www.iratiwanti.org - Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta say no to Radioactive Waste Dump Site on Arcoona Station.

Peace and Social Justice

New Songs for Peace Project - UNESCO endorsed project- listen or write a peace song.

Women in Black Leuven

World Naked Bike Ride For Peace is an annual clothing optional pushbike ride promoting naturism, environmentalism (particularly renewable energy and anti climate change), pacifism and biketivism

Rainforest Research & Botanical

Chez Marco's Botany Pages

ETRFN The European Tropical Forest Research Network promotes information exchange and discussions in tropical and subtropical forest research.

Rainforest Cooperative Research Centre - Australian tropical rainforests

Rainforest Medical

Tropenbos Dutch government rainforest research organisation

Tropical Rainforest Information Centre NASA-funded center that uses remote sensing data to study and monitor deforestation in tropical biomes. Statistics and general info on rainforests, interactive tour.


www.poohsolutions.com - Pooh Solutions is dedicated to sustainable humanure management using a variety of eco-technologies to effectively transform the human waste stream into a valuable resource.

Avant-Gardening: Creative Organic Gardening

Green Trust - Renewable Energy and Sustainability

The Green Providers Directory - not-for-profit, green directory founded on ethical principles, providing links to renewable energy suppliers, organic health and beauty products, fair trade clothing, gifts and household goods, ethical careers and a wide range of services including carbon offsetting, sustainable building, lift sharing and paper recycling. News, updates and blogs on green issues, recycling, energy efficiency and climate change.

Japan for Sustainability

http://mudsmith.net/ - A mudsmith is a person who crafts useful objects from earth.

Joint website of Strawbale Developments and Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow Straw Bale Construction. Designing and building quality straw bale homes

Rainbow Power Company - design, manufacture, sell and install renewable energy equipment based on solar, wind, hydro and biomass energy sources. (Nimbin, Australia


AID/Watch watchdogs on Australian development aid spending

Climate Action Network Australia

Cows With Guns

ebusiness consultant did pro bono search engine optimisation for our website - please support those who support the planet.

eCommonwealth information and referral source


Intentional Communities Comprehensive listing

Ytene - gorgeous South African intentional community

New Internationalist

Permaculture International Journal

RedJellyFish.com - long distance telephone service and unlimited Internet access with a portion of profits donated to environmental groups. information about natural living, online puzzles, free e-cards, and a click to donate center which is a free way to save rainforest and feed orphaned chimpanzees.

Wollumbin Video - activist and environmental videos and others from Byron Bay, NSW